Friday, 3 April 2009

Funny Observations

You can never throw an un-wadded tissue and still look manly.Why do foreigners have sexy English accents, but when Americans speak in a foreign language they just sound like idiots.In action cartoons there is always the nerdy guy. The nerdy guy always ends up being the most important component of the team. He either supplies the hero with essential gadgets, or he hacks into the bad guy’s security system.In sport video games, why are the stadiums always sold-out? Why not at least have some empty seats for the exhibition games?Is it still considered a MILF if she had an abortion?Why are their half as many people making money off their blogs than there are blogs about how to make money off of blogging?People with devious voice messages that seem as if they are talking to you, don’t expect anyone important to call them.Questions like the following lead to nowhere: "Oh wow you live in Kentucky! Do you know a guy named Matt Temin?"When you are in an obscure or foreign place and bump into somebody you recognize, the more likely you are to say 'hi'.When classes don't have a seating chart, people still never change where they sit on the first day of class. We are such territorial animals.In movies, when the character sees the future it always shows the future without taking into account they had seen the future.People don’t like to make eye contact with you, but for some reason if it’s through a mirror it’s fine. If you have intimate eye contact with another person via a mirror, does it still count?If you looked in a mirror 2 feet away, would seeing your reflection be the same as looking at a copy of yourself 4 feet away?Why is ketchup always put on par with Mustard? Mustard is in its own league.Isn’t it annoying when you use a driveway to make a 3-point turn? The owner of the house is at his door and just watches in confusion as you go up his driveway, and you have no way of telling him what you are doing.Ever have a wrong response to a greeting? “Whats up?” “Pretty good, you?”. Why do we put more effort in the handshake than remembering the person’s name?During a Hookah session, 80% of the conversations are about the Hookah.Why do rappers gloat about having ‘money in the bank’? Investing in stocks or mutual funds is a much better indicator of affluence.When we hear about our friend’s new job, our first reaction is to ask what we can get for free.Whistling may be more addictive than yawning. And I think I just made you do one or the other.Is the notion of breakfast defined by the time of day you are eating your meal or does it imply the first meal of the day?

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